Idea and development
L5 Communicatie + design
CED-Groep observes utter carefulness in composing and spreading information on However, the making of mistakes cannot be avoided at any time.
Privacy policy
The CED-Group takes data protection very seriously. We will only use personal data that is necessary for our work. The personal data that we do need, will be kept under strict control and security guidelines. You can find our complete privacy policy on our general website.
The data published on this website, amongst which texts, photographs, illustrations, graphic materials, (trade) names, logos, product and service brands, are the property of, or are licensed by CED-Groep, and are protected by copyright, trademark law and/or any other intellectual property law. The aforementioned rights will in no way pass on to (legal) persons who are given access to this website.
The contents of this website may only be used for non-commercial private aims. The user of this website may not multiply, forward, distribute, spread or make (part of the) contents of the website available for third parties against payment, without the explicit, written consent of CED-Groep.